AHW-Funded Partners, Board Member to Receive Wisconsin Public Health Awards

May 7, 2021 Posted by AHW Endowment

AHW is thrilled to extend congratulations to two AHW-funded projects that have been selected to receive awards from the Wisconsin Public Health Association (WPHA) for their impactful work to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in Wisconsin. The winners will receive their awards during a virtual awards ceremony on May 25.

Laura Waldvogel, MSEd, CEO of Family Health La Clinica – Excellence in Public Health Research Award
AHW-funded project: Education and Empowerment for Wisconsin Migrant Seasonal Agriculture Workers

The award acknowledges Family Health La Clinica’s support of the health of migrant and seasonal agricultural workers and their employers in Wisconsin through the development of education, resources, and guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wisconsin faced many challenges protecting the health of the 6,000 migrant seasonal agriculture workers that arrive each year. Family Health La Clinica responded and helped to bring together key organizations and agencies to collaborate and complete testing and safety education at 46 employer worksites in 23 counties across Wisconsin.

Dawn Yang, General Manager, Nyob Zoo Milwaukee TV – Excellence in Public Health Media Award
AHW-funded project: Educating the Hmong Community About COVID-19

The award recognizes Nyob Zoo Milwaukee TV’s role in bringing accurate, up-to-date COVID-19 prevention information to Wisconsin’s Hmong population. Wisconsin, home to the third largest Hmong population in the U.S., needed culturally appropriate COVID-19 messaging. Nyob Zoo Milwaukee TV, the state’s first Hmong-language local news, produced a series of Hmong-language videos that provided education and information about early COVID-19 information and recommendations, receiving more than 106,000 views in the first three months.

MCW Consortium on Public and Community Health board member Lieske Giese, RN, MSPH, Health Office/Director of the Eau Claire City/County Health Department will also receive the Presidential Citation Award, recognizing sustained, outstanding contribution to WPHA. Lieske has been a member of the Consortium, AHW’s public oversight board, since 2009.

The WPHA awards ceremony will be held on May 25 at 7:00 p.m. and is open to the public.

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