Find our most recent five-year plan here.
This fall, the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) conducted a survey to help us determine funding priorities for our next five-year plan. Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) faculty and staff, stakeholders, colleagues, and community members participated and anonymously provided their thoughts and opinions regarding which initiatives will achieve the best health outcomes for Wisconsin.
All participants who completed the survey were eligible to win a drawing for one of two Wisconsin Made gift baskets filled with popular Dairy State cheeses and sausage varieties.
Marisol Ramos, clinical research coordinator in MCW’s Department of Dermatology, won one of the gift baskets.

Our second winner, Precura Institute Director Michael Donohue, chose to share his gift basket with the Ronald McDonald House. In 1985, Donohue organized a group of musicians to perform two fundraising concerts to benefit the organization. The events took place just before Donohue entered military service, and the Ronald McDonald House has held a special place in his heart ever since.

Visit the AHW blog for updates, funding announcements, and to learn more about how AHW works with our partners to create positive change in the health of Wisconsin communities.