AHW to Administer Federal Funds to Improve Maternal and Child Health

October 18, 2022 Posted by Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH

MCW CEO John Raymond, Sr., MD

To explore AHW's support for maternal health more, click here.

Gov. Tony Evers, through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), is directing $11 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funding to the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health to invest in maternal and child health improvement initiatives. The announcement was made by DHS Secretary-designee Karen Timberlake at the Sojourner Family Peace Center in Milwaukee on Oct. 12.

Each partner will receive $5.5 million to combat maternal and infant mortality and to strengthen health outcomes for families across Wisconsin, with the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) administering funds directed to MCW.

Speaking at the event in Milwaukee, MCW president and chief executive officer John R. Raymond, Sr., MD, said, “The intent of these funds aligns with the mission of our institution – both right here in Milwaukee and throughout the state – to solve the toughest challenges in health and science.”

Dr. Raymond noted that with campuses in Milwaukee, Green Bay, and central Wisconsin and strong relationships with community-based health organizations throughout the state, MCW is well-positioned to promote the availability of these funds and to identify innovative projects to propel forward. He added, “MCW will move quickly and effectively toward our shared goals by leveraging the infrastructure, technical expertise and networks that have been built and are managed by the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin endowment – the state’s largest health improvement philanthropy organization, established in 2004 by MCW from the conversion of Blue Cross & Blue Shield United of Wisconsin from a nonprofit organization to a for-profit organization.”

MCW and AHW will create a process for distributing the funds that draws upon internal and external experts to invest the money to where it is most needed. They will do so by working with community organizations and other stakeholders in Wisconsin public health – including MCW faculty – to develop and implement strategies that promote maternal and child health statewide.

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