Funding News: AHW Awards $4.9 Million to Advance Health Research, Prevention, and Workforce Development Projects
February 11, 2021 Posted by AHW Endowment

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The Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) has announced the award of $4.8 million to four projects focused on advancing health and improving health equity in Wisconsin.
“These strategic investments cover a wide range of issues impacting the health of Wisconsin residents,” said Dr. Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, director of the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment and senior associate dean at the Medical College of Wisconsin. “Through these awards, we are pleased to advance projects that will help to prepare Wisconsin’s future researchers, fund current research needs, and inform population-level outreach and prevention efforts.”
AHW is a statewide health philanthropy established by the Medical College of Wisconsin to serve as a resource to those working to advance health research, develop the health care and public health workforce, and support community health initiatives in creating change across the state. Through strategic investments, AHW supports those working to address current and emerging health needs across Wisconsin.
The following funded projects will begin their work throughout 2021.
Planning for the Wisconsin Alcohol Policy Project ($32,403)
Principal Investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS, MCW Comprehensive Injury Center
Conducting a statewide alcohol use and misuse assessment to identify gaps in data and policies to guide alcohol policy work and plan for project continuation.
The Wisconsin Violence Prevention Project ($216,000)
Principal Investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS, MCW Comprehensive Injury Center
Conducting a statewide needs assessment to develop and launch a comprehensive violence prevention program for Wisconsin.
Understanding the Role of Mammographic Quality in Wisconsin’s Breast Cancer Disparities ($2,098,855)
Primary Community Partner: Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation
Principal Investigator: Joan Neuner, MD, MPH, Medicine
Improving mammographic quality and breast cancer detection and survivorship to reduce the rate of breast cancer disparities in Wisconsin.
Mentored Career Development Program: Innovative Team-based Transdisciplinary Approach to Research Education and Training ($2,465,245)
Principal Investigator: Reza Shaker, MD, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Creating a new collaborative approach to training the next generation of biomedical researchers in Wisconsin.