AHW’s Advancing Behavioral Health Initiative Featured in National Webinar
February 25, 2020 Posted by AHW Endowment
AHW was selected to discuss our philanthropic support and partnership model for collective impact efforts
In November, AHW staff participated in a national webinar to share details about our Advancing Behavioral Health Initiative, an eight-year, $20 million commitment to effect change on mental and behavioral health outcomes in 10 Wisconsin communities.
The initiative was identified as “promising new model” for achieving collective impact by the Collective Impact Forum.
The webinar, “Funding the Long Game in Collective Impact,” features Christina Ellis, AHW program director for community initiatives, Tim Meister, AHW program manager, and Paul Schmitz, senior advisor to the Collective Impact Forum and CEO of Leading Inside Out. Topics covered include how they formed this model, its benefits, progress made in the first six years, and lessons learned. The team also shared resources so other funders could explore whether a similar model might work for their organization.
Watch the recorded webinar:
Download resources:
Download the applications (please note the application period has closed and will not be reopened)
Advancing Behavioral Health Initiative Overview:
Unite 10 communities across Wisconsin and connect them with Medical College of Wisconsin staff and researchers to address behavioral health needs and create a sustainable impact on the health of residents. Each community identified a specific behavioral health population-level measure in their region to impact.
Why it’s innovative:
The project invests $20 million over eight years and utilizes a three-phase model designed to equip communities with the skills and resource needed for sustainable impact over a period of eight years through extensive technical and capacity-building support.
Phase 1 (one year): A funded learning and planning phase
Phase 2 (five years): project implementation phase
Phase 3 (two years): sustainable transformation phase
Community coalitions:
See a full list of the 10 community coalitions and read about the mental and behavioral health needs they are addressing, here.